# Velocity Example Please note that velocity is handled slightly different due to how their plugin API works. E.g. you need to implement the [`Languaged` interface](https://docs.phoenix616.dev/lang/de/themoep/utils/lang/velocity/Languaged.html). ## Maven Artifact ```xml de.themoep.utils lang-velocity check-for-latest compile ``` ## Example ```java @Plugin(id = "myplugin", name = "MyPlugin", version = "1.0", authors = {"You"}) public class MyPlugin implements Languaged { private final Logger logger; private final File dataFolder; private LanguageManager lang; @Inject public MyPlugin(ProxyServer proxy, Logger logger, @DataDirectory Path dataFolder) { this.logger = logger; this.dataFolder = dataFolder.toFile(); } @Subscribe public void onProxyInitialization(ProxyInitializeEvent event) { # Load LanguageManager. Either call that in onEnable or your config loading method. # Will automatically save and load any lang..yml configs in the languages folder # Gets and saves language files to the folder "languages". # Default locale is "en" lang = new LanguageManager(this, "languages", "en"); # Set the provider for the language of a certain sender # If null is returned then it will use the default locale # (This provider is the same as which is used by default) lang.setProvider(sender -> { if (sender instanceof ProxiedPlayer) { return ((ProxiedPlayer) sender).getLocale().getLanguage().replace('-', '_'); } return null; }); } @Override public String getName() { return getClass().getAnnotation(Plugin.class).name(); } @Override public File getDataFolder() { return dataFolder; } @Override public Logger getLogger() { return logger; } /** * Get a message from a language config for a certain sender * @param sender The sender to get the string for. (Language is based on this) * @param key The language key in the config * @param replacements An option array for replacements. * (2n)-th will be the placeholder, (2n+1)-th the value. * Placeholders have to be surrounded by percentage signs: %placeholder% * @return The string from the config which matches the sender's language (or the default one) with the replacements replaced (or an error message, never null) */ public String getMessage(CommandSender sender, String key, String... replacements) { return lang.getConfig(sender).get(key, replacements); } } ```