====== How to use it ====== The library's main API access is through the [MineDown.class](https://docs.phoenix616.dev/minedown/de/themoep/minedown/MineDown.html) and its parse methods. ===== BungeeCord-chat API on Spigot ===== ```java player.spigot().sendMessage(new MineDown(rawMessage).replace(replacements).toComponent()); ``` or with a static approach: ```java player.spigot().sendMessage(MineDown.parse(rawMessage, replacements)); ``` Take a look at the [MineDown JavaDocs](https://docs.minebench.de/minedown/) for more detailed info on the library and the included classes. ===== kyori-adventure on Spigot ===== ```java BukkitAudiences.create(plugin).player(player).sendMessage(new MineDown(rawMessage).replace(replacements).toComponent()); ``` or with a static approach: ```java BukkitAudiences.create(plugin).player(player).sendMessage(MineDown.parse(rawMessage, replacements)); ``` Take a look at the [MineDown-adventure JavaDocs](https://docs.minebench.de/minedown-adventure/) for more detailed info on the library and the included classes. ===== Include it into your plugin ===== You can easily include this library into your plugin by using maven. Make sure to relocate it into your plugin's package! ==== Repository ==== ```xml minebench-repo https://repo.minebench.de/ ``` ==== Artifact ==== To be used with bungeecord-chat in BungeeCord and Spigot-based servers: ```xml de.themoep minedown 1.7.0-SNAPSHOT compile ``` For usage in any platform that is supported by [kyori-adventure](https://github.com/KyoriPowered/adventure): ```xml de.themoep minedown-adventure 1.6.2-SNAPSHOT compile ``` Please note that you need to provide an [adventure platform library](https://github.com/KyoriPowered/adventure-platform) yourself in that case. (Unless you are on Velocity or some other server which provides it) ==== Relocation ==== ```xml maven-shade-plugin 3.1.0 de.themoep.minedown your.package.path.libraries.minedown package shade ``` ===== Alternative to shading ===== Alternatively you can also directly depend on my [MineDownPlugin](https://github.com/Phoenix616/MineDownPlugin/) instead of shading in this library! MineDownPlugin includes a non-relocated version of this library.