# Configs ## config.yml For now you can find the default configs on [gist](https://l.phoenix616.dev/frpconfig)! This page is work in progress. There will be a more detailed explanation of the config options soon. The configs for the different platforms are slightly different, read [this update note](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/force-resourcepacks.10499/update?update=67127) for information on how the Bukkit config differs from the Bungee/velocity one or just take a look at the default configs linked previously. ### debug *Default*: `true` Log some stuff about the players packs to the console (pack sending and the status, turn that of on large servers!) Setting it to `true` means that messages will be logged at the `INFO` level, `false` makes it not log to the terminal/default log using the `FINE` level. For advanced settings you can use any [JUL Level](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/logging/Level.html) where `OFF` will completely disable the code sending the debug logs. ## key.yml The key.yml contains an authentication key used for securing the communication between a proxy and the Minecraft servers. This should be generated automatically on the proxy and populated automatically on first join through the proxy on the Minecraft server, but you can also manually define it in the key.yml file on the key as a string. If you don't run a proxy then the file should automatically be set to `key: ""` the second time any player joins which means no plugin messages are accepted. Of course, you can prepopulate it with that value.