# Commands The following commands are available in the plugin: - **/showitem []** (Alias: `/si`, `/show`) Shows the item in your hand to every player around you. The radius can be set in the config. //Permission:// `showitem.command` (Default: `true`)​ - **/showslot []** (Alias: `/ss`) Shows the item in a specific [slot](https://wiki.phoenix616.dev/_media/plugin:showitem:slots.png) to every player around you. The radius can be set in the config. Finding out the correct slot is made easier with the inventory help click function! (middle click by default) Special slots can be used by name: helmet, chestplate, leggings, boots, offhand, mainhand //Permission:// `showitem.command.slot` (Default: `true`)​ - **/showinv []** (Alias: `/sinv`, `/showinventory`) Shows your whole inventory to every player around you. The radius can be set in the config. //Permission:// `showitem.command.inv` (Default: `op`)​ - **/showender []** (Alias: `/sender`, `/showenderchest`) Shows your enderchest to every player around you. The radius can be set in the config. //Permission:// `showitem.command.ender` (Default: `op`)​ - **/showitem -reload** Reloads the configs of the plugin //Permission:// `showitem.command.reload` (Default: `op`) ## Command Options Options change the behaviour of the command if enabled. All options can be used with both the `/showitem`, the `/showslot` and the `/showinv` commands. - / **** Show to a specific player. //Permission:// `showitem.command.player` (Default: `true`)​ - / **-radius ** Show to every player in the given radius. //Permission:// `showitem.command.radius` (Default: `true`)​ - / **-world** Show to every player in your current world. //Permission:// `showitem.command.world` (Default: `op`)​ - / **-all** Show to every online player. //Permission:// `showitem.command.all` (Default: `op`)​ - / **-debug** Shows a debug message with the info of the item in chat and in the console logs. //Permission:// `showitem.command.debug` (Default: `op`)