# levelConf.yml The `levelConf.yml` allows to define the requirements for the individual settlement levels at the Village or Kingdom stage. ## Level Config The following settings can be defined for each level: ### claim-upkeep The claim upkeep is the amount of money a settlement needs to pay every day for each claim that they have. //Example:// claim-upkeep: 500 ### per-world-upkeep This option allows specifying other claim upkeep amounts for specific worlds. (E.g. to make nether more expensive) //Example:// per-world-upkeep: world_nether: 1000 ### chunks The amount of chunks that can be claimed with that level. //Example:// chunks: 20 ### outposts The amount of outposts that can be created in that level //Example:// outposts: 1 ### requirements A section defining the required items (in form of Material names) or required money. (By using the `CASH` key) //Example:// requirements: CASH: 5 # in bank account STONE: 5 OAK_LOG: 5