# settlementRanks.yml This allows you to configure the available default settlements ranks and rights as well as what permissions are in what groups in the editing interface. ## perm-groups This section allows the different permission groups that are show in in the rank permission editing interface. Currently only the content, icon and name (via the messages.yml) of the three default groups can be configured, full GUI configuration will follow in an update. Please note that you can define empire permissions in the list as some empire commands are related to the settlement's membership in an empire and should be accessible to settlement management. Options that each permission group has: - `icon` - The item that is used for displaying in the GUI. ([Material](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html)) - `permissions` - The permissions that are listed in that category. They are the normal [permissions](plugin:settlements:permissions:start) just with the first `settlements.command` part removed. Please note that only permissions that are listed in a `perm-groups` can be edited by players themselves! ## ranks In this section one can define the different default ranks which each settlement should have. All of them can be changed/added/removed in this config. Currently players can only change titles of those ranks ingame, per-settlement ranks are on the road map though. Each rank can have an icon, a child and default permissions (can be changed per-settlement): - `icon` - The item that is used for displaying in the GUI. ([Material](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html)) - `inherits` - The rank which's permissions should be inherited by this rank by default. Per-rank permissions can still override them - `permissions` - The permissions granted to this rank by default. They are the normal [permissions](plugin:settlements:permissions:start) just with the first `settlements.command` part removed. Please note that only permissions that are listed in the `perm-groups` section can be edited by players themselves, the ones not listed there are always granted to those ranks! Also even if players have the permission to edit rank permissions (`village.perms`) that they will only be able to edit permissions of ranks below them.