Table of Contents


Aliases: randomteleport, randomtp, rtp

Permission: randomteleport.use

General Usage

Usage Description
/rtp uses the default preset
/rtp <preset> [<playername>] uses a specific preset
/rtp <minRange> <maxRange> [<options>] minRange - minimum distance to the center point (square shaped)
maxRange - maximum distance to the center point (square shaped)
/rtp --stat shows a statistic of the teleports since the last restart
/rtp --reload reloads the config

Search and Teleport Options

Option Description
-p,-player <playername> teleports other players
-w,-world <worldname> teleports the player in a specific world
-b,-biome <biomename...> only teleport to this biome (multiple allowed, Bukkit biome names!)
-x,-xPos <x value> x axis of the center point, if not set the player's x axis is used
-z,-zPos <z value> z axis of the center point, if not set the player's z axis is used
-minY <y value> minimum y value that the random location should have (default: 0)
-maxY <y value> maximum y value that the random location should have (default: world height, half in nether)
-l,-loaded only search loaded chunks for possible locations (might fail more often)
-g,-generated only search generated chunks for possible locations
-c, -cooldown <seconds> cooldown in seconds after which the player can use this teleporter again
-id <id> the ID to use for the cooldown, uses automatically generated one if not provided
-f,-force teleport even if there is no dirt/grass/sand/gravel, only checks for lava/water/cactus, ignores WorldGuard/Faction regions
-f,-force [<blocks/regions>] only ignore blocks or regions
-t,-tries <amount> the amount of times the plugin should try to find a random location before giving up
-sp,spawnpoint [force] set the respawn point of the player to the location he teleported to (force overrides existing spawnpoint)
-checkdelay <ticks> the amount of ticks to wait between each chunk check