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library:minedown:start [2021/05/23 23:25] phoenix616library:minedown:start [2023/09/12 13:23] (current) – [MineDown] phoenix616
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 Take a look at the [syntax](library:minedown:syntax) and how to [use it in your plugin](library:minedown:usage). If you run into issues or need any help, [open an issue or chat on IRC/Discord](https://github.com/Phoenix616/MineDown/issues/new/choose). Take a look at the [syntax](library:minedown:syntax) and how to [use it in your plugin](library:minedown:usage). If you run into issues or need any help, [open an issue or chat on IRC/Discord](https://github.com/Phoenix616/MineDown/issues/new/choose).
-It can be used with both, BungeeCord's chat API used in Spigot, Paper and BungeeCord as well as kyori's universal [adventure](https://github.com/KyoriPowered/adventure) library (Natively used by Velocity).+It can be used with both, BungeeCord's chat API used in Spigot and BungeeCord as well as kyori's universal [adventure](https://github.com/KyoriPowered/adventure) library (Natively used by Paper and Velocity).
 ## License ## License