Standalone Example

You can either use this by implementing the interfaces in lang-core itself or using the lang-simple artifact which will use properties files.

Maven Artifact


public class MyProgram implements Languaged {
    private final Logger logger;
    private final File dataFolder;
    private LanguageManager lang;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        this.logger = logger;
        this.dataFolder = dataFolder.toFile();
        # Load LanguageManager. Either call that in onEnable or your config loading method.
        # Will automatically save and load any lang.<locale>.properties configs in the languages folder
        # Gets and saves language files to the folder "languages".
        # Default locale is "en"
        lang = new LanguageManager(this, "languages", "en");
        # Set the provider for the language of a certain sender.
        # This provider will use the system locale for all users
        lang.setProvider(user -> Locale.getDefault().getLanguage());
        # If you do not set a provider then it will use the default locale.
    public String getName() {
        return getClass().getAnnotation(Plugin.class).name();
    public File getDataFolder() {
        return dataFolder;
    public Logger getLogger() {
        return logger;
     * Get a message from a language config for a certain sender
     * @param sender        The sender to get the string for. (Language is based on this)
     *                      This object needs to implement Languaged.User
     * @param key           The language key in the config
     * @param replacements  An option array for replacements.
     *                (2n)-th will be the placeholder, (2n+1)-th the value. 
     *                Placeholders have to be surrounded by percentage signs: %placeholder%
     * @return The string from the config which matches the sender's language (or the default one) with the replacements replaced (or an error message, never null)
    public String getMessage(Languaged.User sender, String key, String... replacements) {
        return lang.getConfig(sender).get(key, replacements);