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plugin:connectorplugin:start [2020/10/16 19:30] phoenix616plugin:connectorplugin:start [2023/10/18 18:52] (current) – Adjust downloads to be direct phoenix616
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 Plugin to simplify communication between multiple Minecraft servers in a network (and their proxy). Plugin to simplify communication between multiple Minecraft servers in a network (and their proxy).
-This does nothing on its own, it is meant to be depended on by other plugins so they can easily send data between servers without having to implement that logic themselves.+This includes a bridging utility and some basic commands to use the provided utility functionality but it is mostly meant to be depended on by other plugins so they can easily query and send data between servers without having to implement that logic themselves.
 ## Communication Methods ## Communication Methods
-- ✅ Plugin Messages+- ✅ Minecraft Plugin Messages
 - ❌ peer-to-peer - ❌ peer-to-peer
-❌ redis pub sub +✅ redis pub sub 
-❌ RabbitMQ+✅ MQTT (e.g. using RabbitMQ)
 ## Useful Links ## Useful Links
-- [Download](https://ci.minebench.de/job/ConnectorPlugin/)+**[Direct Download](https://ci.minebench.de/job/ConnectorPlugin/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/target/ConnectorPlugin.jar)** 
 +- [All development builds](https://ci.minebench.de/job/ConnectorPlugin/changes)
 - [GitHub Repository](https://github.com/Phoenix616/ConnectorPlugin) - [GitHub Repository](https://github.com/Phoenix616/ConnectorPlugin)
 - [Issue Tracker](https://github.com/Phoenix616/ConnectorPlugin/issues) - [Issue Tracker](https://github.com/Phoenix616/ConnectorPlugin/issues)
 +- [Config](plugin:connectorplugin:config)
 - [How to use it](plugin:connectorplugin:usage:start) - [How to use it](plugin:connectorplugin:usage:start)
 +- [Commands](https://github.com/Phoenix616/ConnectorPlugin#commands)
 - [Javadocs](https://docs.phoenix616.dev/connectorplugin/) - [Javadocs](https://docs.phoenix616.dev/connectorplugin/)
 - [Support the development](https://tip.phoenix616.dev) - [Support the development](https://tip.phoenix616.dev)