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plugin:connectorplugin:start [2021/10/12 00:10] – [Useful Links] Add link to commands phoenix616plugin:connectorplugin:start [2023/10/18 18:52] (current) – Adjust downloads to be direct phoenix616
Line 7: Line 7:
 ## Communication Methods ## Communication Methods
-- ✅ Plugin Messages+- ✅ Minecraft Plugin Messages
 - ❌ peer-to-peer - ❌ peer-to-peer
 - ✅ redis pub sub - ✅ redis pub sub
Line 14: Line 14:
 ## Useful Links ## Useful Links
-- [Download](https://ci.minebench.de/job/ConnectorPlugin/)+**[Direct Download](https://ci.minebench.de/job/ConnectorPlugin/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/target/ConnectorPlugin.jar)** 
 +- [All development builds](https://ci.minebench.de/job/ConnectorPlugin/changes)
 - [GitHub Repository](https://github.com/Phoenix616/ConnectorPlugin) - [GitHub Repository](https://github.com/Phoenix616/ConnectorPlugin)
 - [Issue Tracker](https://github.com/Phoenix616/ConnectorPlugin/issues) - [Issue Tracker](https://github.com/Phoenix616/ConnectorPlugin/issues)