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plugin:forceresourcepacks:faq [2024/03/23 16:48] – [How do I set a resourcepack for a specific version?] phoenix616plugin:forceresourcepacks:faq [2024/10/30 09:26] (current) – change mcrp.host to mc-packs.net phoenix616
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 ## Where can I host my resourcepacks? ## Where can I host my resourcepacks?
-You can host your resourcepacks on any web server that supports HTTPS. If you don't have a web server you can use a service like [mcrp.host](https://mcrp.host) to host your resourcepacks.+You can host your resourcepacks on any web server that supports HTTPS. If you don't have a web server you can use a service like [mc-packs.net](https://mc-packs.net) to host your resourcepacks.
 ## How do I set a resourcepack for a world? ## How do I set a resourcepack for a world?
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 This is a bug in the Minecraft client that can occur when you teleport the player or force them to open an inventory after sending the resource pack. You can work around this by sending the pack with a delay or teleporting/opening the inventory after the pack was loaded. This is a bug in the Minecraft client that can occur when you teleport the player or force them to open an inventory after sending the resource pack. You can work around this by sending the pack with a delay or teleporting/opening the inventory after the pack was loaded.
- +### The client freezes while loading the resourcepack
-### The client freeze while loading the resourcepack+
 When a server resource pack is send to a client it will shortly freeze after the download is complete. (Same as manually applying a local pack) This happens because the client has to reload all resources, check which resources overlap and do some other calculation and manipulation with them. (Like stitching all the textures together to a single image like they were in the first texture pack format) It's not a download issue as the client will locally cache the pack files and not re-download them if their hash didn't change. When a server resource pack is send to a client it will shortly freeze after the download is complete. (Same as manually applying a local pack) This happens because the client has to reload all resources, check which resources overlap and do some other calculation and manipulation with them. (Like stitching all the textures together to a single image like they were in the first texture pack format) It's not a download issue as the client will locally cache the pack files and not re-download them if their hash didn't change.