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plugin:forceresourcepacks:placeholders [2024/03/16 16:15] – created - external edit plugin:forceresourcepacks:placeholders [2024/03/16 16:59] (current) phoenix616
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 ## Placeholders ## Placeholders
-### `%frp_pack%`+### %frp_pack%
 Returns the name of the resourcepack that was sent to the player. Returns the name of the resourcepack that was sent to the player.
-### `%frp_storedpack%`+### %frp_storedpack%
 Returns the name of the resourcepack that was stored for the player on the server. Returns the name of the resourcepack that was stored for the player on the server.
-### `%frp_pack_<pack>_online%`+### %frp_pack_<pack>_online%
 The amount of players online that have selected a certain pack The amount of players online that have selected a certain pack
-### `%frp_pack_<pack>_stored%`+### %frp_pack_<pack>_stored%
 The amount of players total that have a certain pack stored The amount of players total that have a certain pack stored
-### `%frp_status%`+### %frp_status%
 Returns the [status](statuses) of the resourcepack prompt. Returns the [status](statuses) of the resourcepack prompt.
-### `%frp_status_<status>%`+### %frp_status_<status>%
 Whether the player has the status, returns `true` or `false Whether the player has the status, returns `true` or `false
-### `%frp_status_<pack>_<status>%`+### %frp_status_<pack>_<status>%
 Whether the player replied with a certain status on a pack, returns `true` or `false` Whether the player replied with a certain status on a pack, returns `true` or `false`