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plugin:showitem:config [2020/12/14 00:19] – [Item Blocker] phoenix616plugin:showitem:config [2021/10/14 17:30] (current) phoenix616
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 # Config # Config
-This plugin contains several config and mapping files.+ShowItem contains several config and mapping files.
-Almost all aspects about the plugin (settings and messages) can be changed in the [config.yml](https://gist.github.com/Phoenix616/e5fc16feb61c95f9f231d26aeb5f2125#file-config-yml) and the lang files in the languages folder.+Almost all aspects about the plugin (settings and messages) can be changed in the [config.yml](https://gist.github.com/Phoenix616/e5fc16feb61c95f9f231d26aeb5f2125#file-config-yml) (includes comments on each individual option) and the lang files in the languages folder. (All default language files can also be found on the [config gist](https://gist.github.com/Phoenix616/e5fc16feb61c95f9f231d26aeb5f2125))
 The other yml files ([transmapping.yml](http://l.phoenix616.dev/transmapping#file-transmapping-yml), [iconrpmapping.yml](https://gist.github.com/Phoenix616/d40932c617c8b6aefbb913eddd46f73b) and [iconrpmapping-flattening.yml](https://gist.github.com/Phoenix616/d0ebb61682562f54690fdc7ea79e4d2a)) are used for mapping the bukkit materials to translation keys for multi language support and for the chat icons. The other yml files ([transmapping.yml](http://l.phoenix616.dev/transmapping#file-transmapping-yml), [iconrpmapping.yml](https://gist.github.com/Phoenix616/d40932c617c8b6aefbb913eddd46f73b) and [iconrpmapping-flattening.yml](https://gist.github.com/Phoenix616/d0ebb61682562f54690fdc7ea79e4d2a)) are used for mapping the bukkit materials to translation keys for multi language support and for the chat icons.
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 </code> </code>
-By default only an example category is defined to block something (which shouldn't ever be an issue) and the comments explain each option. If you want certain players to bypass these blocks then you can use the `showitem.blockbypass` permission to allow bypassing of all blocks or the showitem.blockbypass.specific.<name> permission to allow bypassing certain specific blocks for a more finer control over what is blocked. (All specific blocks fall back on the default block if they didn't match, to bypass the default block use `showitem.blockbypass.specific.default`)+By default only an example category is defined to block something (which shouldn't ever be an issue) and the comments explain each option. 
 +If you want certain players to bypass these blocks then you can use the `showitem.blockbypass` permission to allow bypassing of all blocks or the `showitem.blockbypass.specific.<name>permission to allow bypassing certain specific blocks for a more finer control over what is blocked. (All specific blocks fall back on the default block if they didn't match, to bypass the default block use `showitem.blockbypass.specific.default`)