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plugin:showitem:placeholderapi [2024/07/23 13:39] – Add PlaceholderAPI documentation phoenix616plugin:showitem:placeholderapi [2024/07/23 13:58] (current) – [PlaceholderAPI] Minor typo fixes phoenix616
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-ShowItem integrates with PlaceholderAPI. That means that you can use PAPI Placeholders inside all messages of ShowItem itself as well as use placeholders of ShowItem in other plugins. +ShowItem integrates with PlaceholderAPI. That means that you can use PAPI placeholders inside all messages of ShowItem itself as well as use placeholders of ShowItem in other plugins. 
-Please note that ShowItem placeholders will only work in messages in the chat, not in other places like titls or lores! (At least for now.)+Please note that ShowItem placeholders will only work in messages in the chat, not in other places like titles or lores! (At least for now.)
 ## ShowItem Placeholders ## ShowItem Placeholders