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plugin:extrafireworks:commands [2022/06/05 22:25] – Add direction tag phoenix616plugin:extrafireworks:commands [2022/07/18 12:52] (current) – Add give command phoenix616
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 Allows reloading of the plugin config. Allows reloading of the plugin config.
 +## Give Firework Rocket
 +**Usage:** `/ef give <player> rocket <effect> <power> [<config>]`  
 +**Example:** `/ef give Phoenix616 rocket text 2 {colors:["0,255,0","255,0,0"],particle: redstone, text: "The Text", box: true}`  
 +**Permission:** `extrafireworks.command.give`
 +Allows giving a firework rocket to a specific player. The firework effect type can be both [Vanilla](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/FireworkEffect.Type.html#enum.constant.summary) and [ExtraFirework's effects](https://wiki.phoenix616.dev/plugin:extrafireworks:effects) (including custom defined ones in the config).
 +## Give Firework Star
 +**Usage:** `/ef give <player> star <effect> [<config>]`  
 +**Example:** `/ef give Phoenix616 star text {colors:["0,255,0","255,0,0"],particle: redstone, text: "The Text", box: true}`  
 +**Permission:** `extrafireworks.command.give`
 +Allows giving a firework star to a specific player. The firework effect type can be both [Vanilla](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/FireworkEffect.Type.html#enum.constant.summary) and [ExtraFirework's effects](https://wiki.phoenix616.dev/plugin:extrafireworks:effects) (including custom defined ones in the config).
 ## Launch ## Launch