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plugin:forceresourcepacks:faq [2024/07/23 14:03] – [The client freeze while loading the resourcepack] typo phoenix616plugin:forceresourcepacks:faq [2024/10/30 09:26] (current) – change mcrp.host to mc-packs.net phoenix616
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 ## Where can I host my resourcepacks? ## Where can I host my resourcepacks?
-You can host your resourcepacks on any web server that supports HTTPS. If you don't have a web server you can use a service like [mcrp.host](https://mcrp.host) to host your resourcepacks.+You can host your resourcepacks on any web server that supports HTTPS. If you don't have a web server you can use a service like [mc-packs.net](https://mc-packs.net) to host your resourcepacks.
 ## How do I set a resourcepack for a world? ## How do I set a resourcepack for a world?