**This is an old revision of the document!**

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I host my resourcepacks?

You can host your resourcepacks on any web server that supports HTTPS. If you don't have a web server you can use a service like mcrp.host to host your resourcepacks.

How do I set a resourcepack for a world?

You can set a resourcepack for a world by using the /frp assignment <world> pack <pack> command on your Spigot server. You can also set a pack for a world in the config file in the worlds section.

How do I set a resourcepack for a server on a proxy?

You can set a resourcepack for a server by using the /frp assignment <server> pack <pack> command on your proxy. You can also set a pack for a world in the config file in the servers section.

How do I set a resourcepack for the whole server or network?

You can set a resourcepack for the whole network by using the /frp globalassignment pack <pack> command. You can also set a pack for the whole server/proxy in the config file in the global section.

How do I set a resourcepack for a specific version?

You can specify which version a pack is for by setting the format of the pack or the Minecraft version directly, either using the commands or the packs section in the config.

In order to send different packs to different versions you need to use the packs section in the config file and add different packs to the `variants` list of a pack (right now there is no command for that, sorry), specifying the version or format for each variant. (They need to be in descending order of the version/format number)

How do I disable kicking players for not having the resourcepack?

You can disable kicking players for not having the resourcepack by setting the required value of the pack to false as well as removing the KICK action from the pack's assignment.

How can I send multiple packs to a player?

You can send multiple packs to a player by adding them to the list of packs for an assignment. Please note that only client versions above 1.20.3 support multiple packs!

How can I send a resourcepack to a player without a prompt?

You cannot send a resourcepack to a player without a prompt. This is a limitation of the Minecraft client and cannot be bypassed unless the player already accepted the server packs from your server in the past.

How do I generate the sha1 hash for a resourcepack?

You can generate the sha1 hash for a resourcepack by using the /frp pgeneratehashes command. You can also manually specify the hash for a pack in the config file or via the commands if you want to manually generate the hash or already know them from another source

If you want to manually generate it these are the commands you can run in your terminal/console:

  • Linux: sha1sum /path/to/file.zip
  • Windows: FCIV -sha1 path\to\file.zip
  • Mac OS: shasum /path/to/file.zip

(Please note that the path has to be on the local system, not the download url!)

Pack loading issues:

The download screen gets stuck at 100%

There were several Bugs in older versions of the Minecraft client which caused it to get stuck at 100% on the loading screen when certain errors in the client while downloading or applying the pack occured. (You can check the client's log for these in %APPDATA%/.minecraft/logs/latest.log) I strongly recommend updating your client to a more recent version. (Especially 1.20.3 made major improvements to server pack loading!)

If you need old client versions to work then a very common issue is that older Minecraft versions used older Java versions which are not compatible with modern SSL certificates and encryption algorithms. (e.g. used by the free and very common Let's Encrypt certificates) This will result in javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target or similar errors in the client.

There are only three real solutions to this issue:

  • Update to a client version that is at least 1.17 (as in that version Java was updated from 8 to 16)
  • Install a modern Java version like 17 and manually specify it to be used in the launcher
  • Change the SSL certificate to one with a root certificate older than summer 2015 (these tend to cost money. If you can't do that or don't even run your own webserver then you can try mcrp.host, they should use a compatible SSL certificate)

The prompt closes immediately after it opens

This is a bug in the Minecraft client that can occur when you teleport the player or force them to open an inventory after sending the resource pack. You can work around this by sending the pack with a delay or teleporting/opening the inventory after the pack was loaded.

The client freezes while loading the resourcepack

When a server resource pack is send to a client it will shortly freeze after the download is complete. (Same as manually applying a local pack) This happens because the client has to reload all resources, check which resources overlap and do some other calculation and manipulation with them. (Like stitching all the textures together to a single image like they were in the first texture pack format) It's not a download issue as the client will locally cache the pack files and not re-download them if their hash didn't change.

How long this takes generally depends on the PC's performance and the size of the textures (HD packs take longer) that are used in all resource packs that the player has applied. (So even if the server resource pack doesn't contain any HD textures or textures at all the client will still completely reload all locally applied resource packs) This is something that has to be fixed in the client by Mojang for example by only reloading resources that changed. There's not a lot I can do about that offer than advice people to put pressure on Mojang to improve that behaviour.

1.14 and 1.15 as well as 1.20.3 have some major improvements there so suggest players to use these over old versions if they have issues with your server resourcepack!