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Force Resourcepacks is the enhanced version of my free resourcepacks plugins. In addition to being able to set different resourcepacks per world, server or on your whole proxy network (if installed in Bungee's or Velocity's plugin folder) you can also react on whether the user accepted downloading the pack and send them a message or even kick them if they did not do that!

It even notices when a Bukkit server behind the proxy sends a resourcepack and applies the server's pack status rules on it! That way it is compatible with minigames plugins that manage their own server resourcepacks while still providing the ability to kick a user from the game's server when they did not download the pack!




The plugin uses bStats to track some basic usage. You can opt-out by changing the config option disable-metrics in the plugin's config.yml or in the plugins/bStats/config.yml file!

You can see the tracked metrics here:

The plugin also includes an update checker querying my own server to provide you with information regarding new versions in the console/log or ingame if you have certain permissions. That checker can be disabled with the setting update-check.

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