Kick players or prevent them from joining servers/worlds if they don't accept the pack!
Display a custom message on the prompt screen for clients above 1.17 and use the required-pack functionality.
Set different server resourcepacks per world, server or whole BungeeCord/Velocity network
Match server/world names with regex!
Only send resource packs if they really are necessary. (E.g. you can configure your lobby to not have a pack and only send packs once the player joins one of your minigames servers)
Per-version packs! Send the correct pack depending on the client's version and kick player if he uses a version without an available pack (requires
ViaVersion or
ProtocolSupport) when used on a Spigot server and not Bungee or Velocity!)
Automatically exclude Geyser/Floodgate players (does not work with Geyser standalone without Floodgate)
Automatically generates the sha1 hashes!
Set packs via
WorldGuard flags (requires WorldGuard above version 6.1.3)
Override xray texture packs (e.g. with a pack like
this, please note that this isn't 100% reliable and could be bypassed using mods)
Language system with messages depending on the locale of the client
Configurable delay before sending the pack to a player
Inform the user which pack the server send them if it was done automatically
Let users select a pack themselves. The pack can be re-applied on each login and will be used for resets on servers that don't have the pack
Remembers which pack a user has currently applied and doesn't resend the same pack on server switch (does not work on 1.20.2 clients du to changes in the Minecraft client and how Minecraft proxies work. Fixed with 1.20.3+)
Kick players from the server which don't accept the resourcepack or send them to a specific server (that way you can have two versions of the same server, one with resourcepacks and one without)
Execute commands based on whether or not the player accepted the pack
Send a message or title to the player when he accepts, loads, denies or fails to download the resourcepack
Load screen ESC bypass protection with a timeout
Stop the user from joining a certain server in your network if he didn't accepted an optional the resourcepack before
Different set of actions for when it is the first time a player joins your server
ResourcePackStatusEvent for developers to react on the accepting or denying of a pack in their own plugins
Compatible with AuthMe Reloaded, AuthMeVelocity, OpenLogin, NLogin, LibrePremium, JPremium.
Do you need it to be compatible with more plugins?
Contact me!