
This file contains all the general settings of the plugin and its modules.

It contains the following values:

  • config-version For internal use to convert the configuration between different versions if necessary. Do NOT change or it will break things!
  • debug Log some debug messages about the inner working of the plugin. true/false
  • entries-per-page Amount of entries that should be shown per page in chat e.g. for command help messages. Default: 10
  • players-in-info How many players should show up in settlement/empire member lists. Default: 40
  • command-confirm-time How long in seconds a player has time to confirm certain commands. Default: 30 seconds


Settings for how to store the plugin's data. Type and access settings cannot be dynamically reloaded!

  • type The type of storage to be used. Valid values are sqlite (default) and mysql
  • host Set the MySQL server's host. Default: localhost
  • port Set the MySQL server's port. Default: 3306
  • user Set the MySQL server's user for authentication.
  • password Set the MySQL server's user password for authentication
  • database The MySQL database to store the data in
  • table-prefix The prefix to use for the tables
  • url-parameters Additional MySQL connection URL parameters
  • queue
    Settings for how the storage save queue behaves. (Queues are fully saved on shutdown)
    • size Max size of the queue before saving happens. Default: 100
    • wait Time to wait in seconds before saving queued entries. Default: 2


Settings for the settlement, empire and land upkeep/tax scheduler

  • hour The hour of the day at which to run the upkeep. Default: 0
  • timezone The timezone the hour is in. Default: UTC


Time in seconds which a resident's data stays in the cache even if it is not needed elsewhere to avoid loads.

  • duration-resident Default: 120 seconds


Settings for settlement behaviour

  • creation-cost How much a player must pay to create a settlement Default: 1000
  • start-balance How much money a settlement starts with Default: 1000
  • max-size Maximum size a settlement can have (0 disables the size check) Default: 30 players
  • max-tax Maximum value that a settlement's tax can be set to. Set to -1 to disable maximum Default: -1
  • titles-per-rank How many different titles can be configured for a rank Default: 10


Settings for claims

  • disabled-worlds List of worlds in which claiming of Settlement chunks are disabled. Default: [world_nether]
  • enemy-distance Distance in chunks that have to be between claims of non-allied settlements Default: 4
  • max-radius Maximum radius in chunks which can be (un)claimed with the radius (un)claiming commands Default: 5
  • close
    Settings for certain actions when they are close to already existing claims
    • building-notification
      Send a warning message to players when they build close to a claim
      • distance The distance in chunks in which a settlement should get a notification when someone builds/griefs. Default: 4 chunks. 0 disables it.
      • toggle-time The time in minutes after which a disabled notification will turn on again. Default: 30 minutes
    • unclaim
      Settings for automatically unclaiming of claims that are too close when an alliance is disbanded
      • grace-days How many days to wait before automatically unclaiming claims that are too close when unallying. Default: 4 days. Set to -1 to disable the automatic unclaiming of too close lands
      • outposts Whether or not outposts are unclaimed. true/false


Settlement outpost settings

  • creation-cost How much a settlement must pay to create a new outpost. Default: 0


Settlement upkeep settings

  • abandon-time The amount of minutes that a settlement will stay abandoned after not being able to pay their upkeep. Abandoned settlements can be raided and fully accessed but nobody can claim them. Default: 30 minutes.
  • inactive-time The amount of days that a settlement's chief can be offline until it gets deleted. Set to -1 if you don't want to delete them at all. Default: 30 days


Settings for empire behaviour

  • claim-transfer Whether or not a player can transfer their bought claims to an empire. true/false
  • creation-cost How much a settlement must pay to create an empire Default: 0
  • start-balance How much money an empire starts with Default: 0
  • max-tax Maximum value that an empire's tax can be set to. Set to -1 to disable maximum Default: 1000000
  • max-size Maximum size an empire can have (0 disables the size check) Default: 20 member settlements
  • rename-cooldown The cooldown in seconds after renaming an empire Default: 30
  • titles-per-rank How many different titles can be configured for a rank Default: 10


Settings for the automatically generated empire worlds

  • enabled Whether each empire should get their own world automatically generated Default: true
  • prefix The prefix of all empire worlds. WARNING: Changing this with existing worlds will break them! Default:
  • suffix The suffix of all empire worlds. WARNING: Changing this with existing worlds will break them! Default: _Domain
  • environment The environment of the world. Can be normal, nether or the_end. Default: normal
  • type The type of the world. Can be normal, flat, large_biomes or amplified. Default: normal
  • generator The name of the generator to use for the empire worlds. Set to empty to not use one. Default:
  • generator-settings The settings for the defined generator Default:
  • seed The seed to be used for the generator. Set to empty to use a random one for each world. Default:
  • structures Whether or not to generate structures. Default: false
  • border-radius The radius that an empire world will have by default. Default: 500 blocks
  • regen-duration Amount of seconds an empire can regenerate their world after empire generation to find one they like. Set to -1 to allow infinite regeneration Default: 3600 seconds


Empire upkeep settings

  • abandon-time The amount of minutes that an empire will stay abandoned after not being able to pay their upkeep. Abandoned empire worlds can be raided and fully accessed. Default: 1440 minutes
  • cost The amount an empire needs to pay per day. Default: 1000


Settings for claimed plots

  • max-tax Maximum value that a plot's tax can be set to. Set to -1 to disable maximum Default: -1
  • name-length Maximum length that plot names can be (without formatting). Cannot be longer than 255. Default: 25
  • description-length Maximum length that plot descriptions can be (without formatting). Default: 255


Mode settings of different types. Possible modes include fire spreading (firespread), any kind of explosions (explosion), pvp, hostile monster (mobspawning) and passive animal (passivespawnming) spawning.


  • unclaimed Modes for unclaimed land
  • unclaimable Modes for worlds that have claiming disabled
  • worlds Section to specify mode overrides in certain worlds
  • abandoned
    Modes for abandoned land owners
    • village Abandoned Village-level Settlements
    • kingdom Abandoned Kingdom-level Settlements
    • empire Abandoned Empire worlds

Default settings:

  # Modes in unclaimed land
    firespread: false
    explosion: false
    pvp: true
    mobspawning: true
    passivespawning: true
  # Settings for worlds that have claiming disabled
    firespread: false
    explosion: false
    pvp: true
    mobspawning: true
    passivespawning: true
  # Override modes in specific worlds
      explosions: true
      explosions: false
  # Modes in abandoned settlements/empires
    # Village-level Settlements
      firespread: false
      explosion: false
      pvp: true
      mobspawning: true
      passivespawning: true
    # Kingdom-level Settlements
      firespread: false
      explosion: false
      pvp: true
      mobspawning: true
      passivespawning: true
    # Abandoned Empire worlds
      firespread: false
      explosion: false
      pvp: true
      mobspawning: true
      passivespawning: true


Settings for the inbuilt chest/block locking functionality

  • enabled Enable or disable the inbuilt locking. Default: true
  • only-in-claim Whether or not locks are only allowed in settlement claims and empire worlds. Default: false
  • alternative-hopper-protection This checks if a block is protected by checking on hopper place rather than using the InventoryMoveItemEvent stealing of items. Default: true
  • load-queue-ticks Amount in ticks after which the chunk queue will be processed to load the locks in it. Default: 20 ticks
  • blocks List of blocks that can be locked. Accepts * as a wildcard. Default:
  - chest
  - trapped_chest
  - dispenser
  - dropper
  - furnace
  - '*shulker_box'
  - '*_door'
  - '*_trapdoor'
  - '*_fence_gate'
  - '*_button'
  - lever
  - note_block
  - jukebox
  • unclaim Settings for what should happen with locks if the land gets unclaimed
    • remove Remove all locks in a chunk when it gets unclaimed. Default: true
    • remove-block Also remove the blocks when the locks get removed on unclaim. Default: false


Settings for the inbuilt nether portal teleportation functionality

  • enabled Enable or disable the inbuilt portal handling. Default: true
  • allow-nether-teleport Whether unlinked portals should teleport to the nether like normal. Default: false
  • only-inside-claims Only allow portals to be created and used inside of claims. Linking of portals will still be restricted to claimed land only!. Default: true
  • ignore-unclaimable-worlds Whether portals in unclaimable worlds should just work like Vanilla nether portals. Default: false
    If set to true but only-inside-claims is true too then players will not be able to manually link to portals in unclaimable worlds
    If set to false then players will not be able to create portals in unclaimable worlds if only-inside-claims is true.
    If set to false and only-inside-claims is false then portals will just work like normal nether portals in unclaimable worlds.


Settings for teleportation

  • spawn-command The command to run to teleport the player to spawn via the GUI, when a player is kicked from a settlement's claim or when an Empire world is made private/removed. Default:
    Can use {player} as a placeholder for the player's name.
    If not set it will teleport to the world spawn of the default world.
  • delay
    The amount of time in seconds which a player needs to stand still before being teleported to an outpost/home. Set to 0 to instant teleport. Defaults:
    • outpost: 3
    • village: 3
    • kingdom: 3
    • empire: 3
  • cooldown
    Seconds to wait after allowing a teleport again if user has the kingdoms.bypass.teleport-delay permission. Defaults:
    • outpost: 3
    • village: 3
    • kingdom: 3
    • empire: 3


Settings for the inbuilt chat handling

  • enabled Enable or disable the inbuilt chat. Default: true
  • chat-only Should this plugin only handle chat and not provide any other function? Useful for cross-server chat (requires ConnectorPlugin). Default: false
  • reset-channels-on-login Should all channels be set to the default config on player login or be the same as on logout. Default: true
  • notify Settings for the chat notifications
    • sound The sound that is played when a player's name is mentioned in chat. Default: entity_experience_orb_pickup
    • cooldown Seconds between notification sounds. Default: 15 seconds
  • placeholder-api Settings for where the PlayerholderAPI should be integrated into the chat
    • hover Replace placeholders in the player name hovers. Default: true
    • format Settings for the channel formats
      • channel Replace placeholders in the channel format. Default: true
      • private Replace placeholders in the private message format. Default: true
  • channel-colors The default chat channel colors. Defaults:
    general: white
    event: green
    local: yellow
    admin: dark_purple
    staff: gold
    help: white
    settlement: yellow
    trade: light_purple
    ally: aqua
    empireally: aqua
    empire: aqua
    private-sent: aqua
    private-received: aqua
  • channel-prefix-colors The default channel prefix colors. Defaults:
    general: black
    event: green
    local: yellow
    admin: red
    staff: blue
    help: red
    settlement: aqua
    trade: light_purple
    ally: gold
    empireally: gold
    empire: aqua
    private-sent: dark_gray
    private-received: dark_gray
  • selectable-colors The colors that players can use for chat channels. Defaults:
  - blue
  - dark_blue
  - dark_green
  - dark_aqua
  - dark_red
  - dark_purple
  - gold
  - gray
  - dark_gray
  - green
  - aqua
  - red
  - light_purple
  - yellow
  - white

Settings for the inbuilt scoreboard sidebar

  • enabled Enable or disable the inbuilt sidebar. Default: true
  • update Seconds between scoreboard updates. Default: 1
  • header-speed Ticks for the scoreboard header animation (set to 0 to disable it). Default: 2
  • placeholder-api Whether PlaceholderAPI placeholders should be replaced in the sidebar. Default: true


Settings for player-specified titles

  • block-curses Whether or not to block curses inside player-set settlement/empire titles. Default: true


Settings for the ChestShop integration

  • allow-selling-below-upkeep Whether or not it is allowed for a settlement's/empire's shop to be sold to if the owner goes below their next upkeep. Default: false
  • notification-cooldown The seconds between shop transaction notifications. Default: 5 seconds


Settings for the Brewery integration

  • block-channels Players with a drunkeness above that value can no longer write in the channel. Defaults:
    local: 9001
    trade: 1
    event: 1
    general: 1
    settlement: 9001
    empire: 1
    ally: 1
    empireally: 1
    admin: 9001
    staff: 9001