Config Files
The following configuration files can be used to change the way the plugin works.
- config.yml
The configuration files with settings for the general functionality of the plugin. - commands.yml
Specify the order and display of commands in the command help menu - levelConf.yml
Define the requirements for the individual settlement levels at the Village or Kingdom stage. - empireLevelConf.yml
Define the requirements for the individual empire levels. - mapConf.yml
Configure how the chat map looks like - settlementRanks.yml
Configure the available default settlements ranks and rights - empireRanks.yml
Configure the available default empire ranks and rights - settlementPerksConf.yml
Configure the available settlement perks and their prices - empirePerksConf.yml
Configure the available empire perks and their prices - events.yml
Define the available settlement events. - empireMissions.yml
Define the available empire missions. - curses.yml
Configure which kind of words (supports regex) should be filtered out how chat if a player has specified that they want to filter curses.
Also filters in settlement and empire names, plot descriptions and titles. - cursesForced.yml
Configure which words (and regexes) should always be filtered out of chat and settlement/empire names no matter the setting of the player - events.yml
Configure how the settlement competition events work