
The settlementPerksConf.yml allows configuring the available settlement perks and their prices.

Each perk can have the following options:


The icon that should be shown in the GUI. (Material) If it's a potion (the default value is a lingering one) and an effect is defined then it will just use a potion of the configured effect.


The amount of times this upgrade can be repeated. This allows to make re-purchasable upgrades to trigger effects.

Default if not specified is 0 so no repeatings are allowed.


How long one has to wait (in seconds) between unlocks if amount is above 1. If it's 0 then there is no cooldown.


The settlement state that is required for this perk to be available. Possible states are village and kingdom


The settlement level in the previously specified state which is required to unlock the perk.


The effects (in a map list) that members of the settlement get applied when the perk is active.

Effects can have the following options:



The strength of the potion effect


The length of the potion effect after applying it in seconds.

Don't specify it or set it to -1 to make it indefinite.


Whether or not particles should be more translucent. If not specified it defaults to true


Whether to show potion particles or not. If not specified it defaults to not showing it (false)


Whether or not to show the icon of the effect. If not specified it defaults to true


This section allows to specify where and to whom the potion effect should apply.


Where the effect should happen. Possible options are:

  • plot - Only for the owner of a plot on the plot
  • plot-friends - Like plot just for friends of the owner too
  • own-settlement - Effect only in own settlement (default if not set)
  • allied-settlement - Effect in own and all allied settlements
  • enemy-settlement - Effect only while in enemy settlement
  • unclaimed - only in unclaimed chunks
  • everywhere - everywhere


Who should get the effect. Possible options are:

  • members - all members of the settlement (default)
  • allies - applies to all allies
  • trusted - applies to all members of the same empire
  • enemies - applies to all enemies
  • free - applies to everyone without a settlement
  • all - applies to everyone
Note that embassy plot owners are treated like they are residents of the settlement they own a plot in but only on their plot.


The claim adds bonus claims or outpost counts. This way a settlement can purchase those if this is repeatable.


The amount of bonus claims the perk grants


The amount of bonus outposts the perk grants


A list to run arbitrary console commands for all members of the settlement.

Possible placeholders in commands: {player}, {playerid}, {settlement}, {state}, {level}, {perk}


A map of the costs of this perk. Can include cash to pay with the settlement's bank or any Material to pay from the Vault.

If the cost is empty then the perk will be instantly granted when the state and level requirements are reached.


      cash: 1000
      stone: 100
    # If the amount is higher than 1 then this is the cost that needs to be paid to trigger it again
      cash: 100


How much it costs to unlock this perk


How much it costs to repeat the perk if it is repeatable