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The plugin's main command is /extrafireworks with the aliases: /extrafirework and /ef.

Base permission: extrafireworks.command

The following commands exist in the plugin.


Permission: extrafireworks.command.reload

Allows reloading of the plugin config.


Usage: /ef show <effect> [<world>,]<x>,<y>,<z> [<config>]
Example: /ef show text-1914,63,-898 {colors:["0,255,0","255,0,0"],particle: redstone, text: "The Text", box: true}
Permission: extrafireworks.command.show

Allows spawning of fireworks at specific locations. The firework effect type can be both Vanilla and ExtraFirework's effects (including custom defined ones in the config).

The config is simply a json string and can have the following values:

Available for all types


The color of the firework effect. Can be one of these colors, a string of three integers for the RGB values (e.g. color: "0,255,0" for green), a single integer representation of the color, or the color: random to display a random color.

Colors require the particle type redstone for ExtraFirework effects!


A list of the previous color definitions to display multiple colors in the effect. Can include random as well. E.g. colors: ["255,0,0", "teal", "random"]

Available for Vanilla effects


The color which the effect should fade to. Same definition as the previous colors.


Multiple fade colors.


Whether or not the effect should flicker: flicker: true

Available for ExtraFirework Effects


The particle type to use for showing the effect. (does nothing with snow or explosion).

Needs to be particle: redstone to show colors!


The direction an effect should be rotated in. (does nothing with fountain, snow, or explosion) E.g. yaw: 100.0.


Whether or not the effect should display as a box. (does nothing with fountain, snow, or explosion) E.g. box: true.


Set what the text effect should display. E.g. text: "ExtraFireworks"


The id of the map to use to display the map effect. E.g. id: 10.


The size of the explosion effect. Possible values are normal, large, and huge.


Set the snow strength. Can be any valid integer. The default values are 1, 2, and 3 respectively depending on the amount of modifier items in the recipe.


Changes the count of some particles in some effects.