**This is an old revision of the document!**


The plugin's main command is /extrafireworks with the aliases: /extrafirework and /ef.

Base permission: extrafireworks.command

The following commands exist in the plugin.


Permission: extrafireworks.command.reload

Allows reloading of the plugin config.


Usage: /ef show <effect> [<world>,]<x>,<y>,<z> [<config>]
Example: /ef show text -1914,63,-898 {colors:["0,255,0","255,0,0"],particle: redstone, text: "The Text", box: true}
Permission: extrafireworks.command.show

Allows spawning of fireworks at specific locations. The firework effect type can be both Vanilla and ExtraFirework's effects (including custom defined ones in the config).

The config is simply a json string and can have the following values:

Available for all types


The color of the firework effect. Can be one of these colors, a string of three integers for the RGB values (e.g. color: "0,255,0" for green), a single integer representation of the color, or the color: random to display a random color.

Colors require the particle type redstone for ExtraFirework effects!


A list of the previous color definitions to display multiple colors in the effect. Can include random as well. E.g. colors: ["255,0,0", "teal", "random"]

Available for Vanilla effects


The color which the effect should fade to. Same definition as the previous colors.


Multiple fade colors.


Whether or not the effect should flicker: flicker: true

Available for ExtraFirework Effects


The particle type to use for showing the effect. (does nothing with snow or explosion).

Needs to be particle: redstone to show colors!


The direction an effect should be rotated in. (does nothing with fountain, snow, or explosion) E.g. yaw: 100.0.


Whether or not the effect should display as a box. (does nothing with fountain, snow, or explosion) E.g. box: true.


Set what the text effect should display. E.g. text: "ExtraFireworks"


The id of the map to use to display the map effect. E.g. id: 10.


The size of the explosion effect. Possible values are normal, large, and huge.


Set the snow strength. Can be any valid integer. The default values are 1, 2, and 3 respectively depending on the amount of modifier items in the recipe.


The texture id of a head item for the head effect. Queries from the skins.download.texture URL.


The user name or uuid of the player for the head effect. (Only one of texture and owner is necessary!)


Changes the count of some particles in some effects.

Available for "custom" Effects

By using custom as the effect name in the command you can directly display custom effects without having to set them up in the config beforehand.


The image in the images folder on which the custom effect is based on.


The scale of the image (blocks per pixel)


How many particles should be used to display one pixel


Whether the effect should display dark color as transparent. (true/false)


Specify custom sounds to play at the explosion location when the effect gets displayed. See this list for sounds available in the Vanilla game. (Resource pack sounds are supported too!)

Can be multiple and omit the category or volume or pitch and uses the following syntax: <sound>[,<category>][,<volume>[,<pitch>]]